
Following are media-coverage items noting this project


Lawrence Berkeley National Lab News Releases:

Ars Technica - Taking a closer look at AI’s supposed energy apocalypse (June 25, 2024)

AZO Cleantech - Berkeley Lab Energy Analysis - Electricity Consumption by Gaming Computers per Year is $10 Billion


BBVA: Open Mind -Video Games Against Climate Change

BitGamer - Gaming PCs Too Power-hungry, Researcher Warns

Bloomberg - There’s a Small But Growing Push to Make Video Gaming Greener (December 17, 2022)

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - How to Save the Planet from Your Couch (December 3, 2018)

Business Insider

CCN - US Gaming Carbon Footprint Is Huge as Platforms Target Greener Consoles (November 16, 2019)

Chip Online (Turkey) - Oyun Bilgisayarlarından Rekor Enerji Tüketimi (Measuring the Energy Use of Gaming Computers)

Choi News (Japan) - ゲームPCはエネルギー節約できる余地が大きい (Gaming PCs Have Room To Save Energy)

CleanTechnica - Gaming Computers Could Reap 75% Energy Savings And Improve Performance

ClimateWire - Gaming Computers Rack Up Disproportionate Energy Bill


Duetschlandfunk Radio - Interview by Maximilian Schönherr (August 21, 2019)

Deutsche Welle (DW) (Germany) - Video games get serious about climate change

DH (Turkey) - Gelecekte Sadece Oyuncu Bilgisayarlarını Calıştırmak Için 50 Enerji Santrali Gerekecek (Gamers Only Need 50 Power Plants in the Future to Run Their Computers)

Digital Trends

Economie Matin (France) - Fracture D'electricite: Un PC de Gamer Consomme Comme Trois Frigos (UK) - More Efficient Gaming PCs Could Save $18 Billion


Energy Efficiency Markets - Gaming Computers Offer Huge, Untapped Energy Savings Potential

EnergyWire - A Father-Son Quest To Tame Energy-Gobbling Video Games

Eurogamer (UK) - What does gaming's all-digital future mean for the climate crisis? (October 13, 2021)

FierceEnergy - Are Gaming Computers The Next Big Thing For Energy Efficiency?

Forbes - The Big Surprise in Home Energy Consumption: Gaming PCs

Freitag -  Endgegner Klimawandel (Green Gaming - The Final Boss") (March 23, 2023) (in German)

Fudzilla - Gamers Can Save the Planet by Tweaking

FZ (Sweden) - Din Speldator Kan Vara en Energiskurk (Your Gaming Computer Can Be An Energy-thief) - Can Game Makers Rise to Meet The Challenge of Climate Change? (September 27, 2019)

GameStar (Germany)  - Stromverbrauch Von Spiele-PCs - Könnte Im Jahr 2020 Weltweit 50 Kraftwerken Entsprechen (Power Consumption of Gaming PCs - Could The 2020 World Provide 50 Power Plants?) - Triste Realidad: Jugar Videojuegos Contamina Horriblemente al Planeta (Sad Reality: Video Games Are Horribly Contaminating the Planet). - Can Game Makers Rise To Meet The Challenge Of Climate Change? - Gaming Computers Could Reap 75% Energy Savings and Improve Performance

Globo (Brazil) - PCs Gamer Consomem US$ 10 Bilhões em Energia Por Ano, Diz Estudo (Gamer PCs Consume $ 10 Billion in Energy Per Year, Says Study)

Green Buildings Advisor - Video Gamers Could Save Billions in Energy Costs


GreenTechMedia - Gaming Costs $10B Annually in Energy

Hard-OCP - Taming The Energy Use of Gaming Computers

Hardware (Finland) - PC-PELAAJAT KULUTTAVAT TOLKUTTOMASTI SÄHKÖÄ (PC Gamers Electricity Expenses Go on Forever)

Hexus - World's Gaming PCs to Require 50 Dedicated Power Stations by 2020

International Business Times (UK) - Greener Gamers Could Save $18 Billion by Switching to More Efficient PCs

Kotaku - Video Game Companies Vow Action On Climate Change, But Critics Say They Need To Do More [September 25, 2019]

KO: Computer Review (Russia)  -  Оптимизация игровых ПК позволит сэкономить 18 млрд долл (Optimization of PC Gaming Will Save $18 Billion)

Kronen Zeitung (Austria) - Gaming-PCs fressen unnötig viel Strom (Gaming PCs Eat An Unnecessarily Large Amount of Electricity)

Laoyaoba (Taiwan) - 你的电竞电脑是吃电怪兽吗?(Is Your Gaming Computer an Electricity-eating Monster?)

Le Comptoir Du Hardware (France) - Le PC Des Joueurs Consomme Trop (PC Gamers Consume, Too)

L'energie D'avancer (France) - Comment Réduire la Consommation Energétique des PC de Gamers ? (How to Save Energy in Gaming PCs?) - Gaming's Environmental Impact is Greater than You Think (January 29, 2020)

Mongabay - Playing dangerously: The environmental impact of video gaming consoles (Octobert 25, 2022)

Mother Jones (US) - Video Games Consume More Electricity Than 25 Power Plants Can Produce (November 29, 2018)

MuyComputer (Spain) - Los PCs de Juegos Utilizan Una Cantidad Ingente de Energía (Gaming PCs Use Huge Amounts of Energy)

Newsweek - Greener Gamers Could Save $18 Billion by Switching to More Efficient PCs

New Scientist 

OneZero - Video Game Makers Pledge to Fight Climate Change (September 25, 2019)

PC Gamer - Efficiency Study Says Gaming PCs use $10 Billion in Energy Every Year

PC Gaming Hardware - Gamescom 2019: How Environmentally Friendly is Gaming? - Findings from Science (August 22, 2019) (translated from German)

PC Welt (Germany) - Gaming PCs Soon to Need 50 Power Plants for Electricity Worldwide

Presse Citron (France) - Les Gamers Sur PC, Rois Du Gaspi D’énergie (PC Gamers, Kings of Energy Waste)

PresseText (Germany) - Gaming-PCs Fressen Unnoetig Viel Strom (Gaming PCs Eat Unnecessarily Large Amount of Electricity: - Gaming Computers Offer Huge, Untapped Savings Potential

PlayNation (Germany) - Allgemein: Gaming-PCs sind teure Stromfresser

PolygonHow the game industry is fighting its carbon footprint (February 3, 2022)

PPLWare (Portugal) - Costuma Jogar No PC? Atenção Aos Consumos De Energia (Do You Usually Game on a PC?  Pay Attention to Energy)

R&D Magazine - Gaming Computers Offer Huge, Untapped Energy Savings Potential

Rennovabili (Italy) - I PC Da Gaming Non Sanno Cosa Sia L’efficienza Energetica (PC Gamers Don't Know What Energy Efficiency Is)

Run Direct Magazine -  - Gaming Computers Can Save Energy with Necessary Changes in Settings and Components

Salon - How the Xbox Stands between Microsoft and its Climate Goals (January 28, 2020)

Science Daily - Gaming computers offer huge, untapped energy savings potential

Science Post (France) - Comment Reduire La Consommation Electriques des Ordinateurs de Joueurs? (How to Reduce the Power Consumption of Gaming Computers ?)

Sciences Et Avenir - Gamers, Soyez Moins Energivores (Gamers, Be More Energy Efficient)

ScienceNews for Students - Greening Your Digital Life (March 25, 2021)

SG (Hungary) - Évi 10 Milliárd Dolláros Aramszámlát Okoznak a Játék PC-k (Gaming PCs Cause $10 Billion in Energy Bills)

Silicon Republic - Gaming PC Owners Can Help Save the Planet by Improving Rigs

Slate (France) -  Les PC de Gamers Engloutissent des Quantités Enormes d'Energie (PC Gamers Gobble up Huge Amounts of Energy)

Spiegel Online - Gamescom and Green Gaming: How Players Can Save Energy (August 21, 2019) (translated from German)

Sueddeutsche Zeitung (Germany) - Gaming-PCs verursachen zehn Milliarden Dollar Stromkosten pro Jahr (Gaming PCs Responsible for 10 Billion Dollars Electricity Costs Per Year)

Svet Hardware (Czech) - Herní PC Budou Prý Do Roku 2020 Potřebovat 25 GW Energie (PC Gaming Will Need 25 GW of Energy by 2020)

TechSpot -  New study highlights the ridiculous amount of energy consumed by gaming PCs

TF1 (France) -

Techie News (UK) - Gaming Computers Can Help Save Billions Per Year in Energy Costs

Time - How Video Game Companies are Going Green (March 4, 2024) [PDF]

Times of India (IN) - From Email To Video Streaming: How Our Online Actions Impact Our Environment (December 7, 2020)

Tom's Hardware (Italy) -  I PC Gaming Di Tutto Il Mondo Consumano Come 160 Milioni Di Frigoriferi (PC Gaming Worldwide Consumes as Much Energy As 160 Million Refrigerators)

TreeHugger - Making Gaming Computers More Efficient Could Save $18 Billion a Year in Energy Costs

TriplePundit - Gamers to the Rescue: 'Huge' Energy Savings Potential In Computer Gaming

Tweaktown - Gaming Industry Carbon Emissions is Equal to 85 Million Refrigerators (January 20, 2020)

University of California News - Your Home is an Energy Hog - Here's How to Put it on a Diet

Vice: Motherboard


Xataka (Spain) -  Si Eres Gamer, Cuidado Con El Consumo Eléctrico: Puedes Ahorrarte Un Dineral Sin Perder Potencia (If you're a gamer, be careful with power consumption: You Can Save A Bundle Without Losing Performance)